Σάββατο  9  Νοεμβρίου    Ανατολή Ηλίου - Sunrise 06:59  Δύση Ηλίου - Sunset 17:17 - Διάρκεια ημέρας: 10 ώρες, 17 λεπτά   |       English version  IN ENGLISH A

Explanation of symbols and help

Forecast tables
  • The hours in the time column are in 24hour format in greek local time.
  • All parameters in the forecast table (ie, temperature, humidity, wind direction and wind intensity) as well as sky conditions (CLEAR, CLOUDY) correspond to the specified time. But the phenomena (ie rain, storm and snow), because they are cumulative figures, refer to the previous 3 hours until the stated time.
About Hours
The forecasts at the time they are published in our hub refer to the next 72 hours divided into 3-hour intervals with the old ones to be removed from the tables.

Forecasts are updated twice a day: Around 9:30 in the morning and 10 in the evening:

The hours for which we provide forecast are:

  • In the Spring and Summer (summer time) : 03:00, 06:00 , 09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00,21:00,00:00
  • Autumn and Winter (winter time)) : 02:00, 05:00, 08:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, 23:00
Hour Symbols
02:00 14:00 Note: For optimal visual understanding, the hours corresponding to morning and noon are light grey, whereas the hours corresponding to the afternoon and night are dark grey.
03:00 15:00
20:00 08:00 All times are in Greek local time.
21:00 09:00
Temperature is always in degrees Celcius (°C). To convert it to Fahrenheit click here.
  When the temperature is less than or equal to -13 ° C the corresponding square gets this color
  When the temperature is greater than or equal to -12 ° C and less than or equal to -6 ° C the corresponding square gets this color
  When the temperature is greater than or equal to -5 ° C and less than or equal to 3 ° C the corresponding square gets this color
  When the temperature is greater than or equal to 37 ° C and less than or equal to 39 ° C the corresponding square gets this color
  When the temperature is greater than or equal to 40 ° C the corresponding square gets this color
The real feeling temperature differs from the predicted temperature and depends on other factors: wind intensity and humidity. When the sensible temperature differs from that predicted by at least 2 degrees then the sensible temperature indication is displayed.
When the real feeling temperature is greater than the predicted one, this icon appears.
When the real feeling temperature is smaller than the predicted one, this icon appears.
the moisture is measured as a percentage (%)
The pressure appears only in sea areas and is measured in millibars (mb)
Wind - Address
wind coming from the east
άwind coming from the north
wind coming from northeast
wind coming from the northwest
wind coming from the west
wind coming from the south
wind coming from south-east
wind coming from the southwest
Wind - Intensity in terrestrial areas Wind - Intensity in marine areas
Wind intensity from 1 to 2 beauforts
Wind intensity from 0 to 2 beauforts
wind intensity 3 and 4 beaufort
wind intensity 3 and 4 beaufort
wind intensity 5 and 6 beaufort
wind intensity 5 and 6 beaufort
wind intensity 7 and 8 beaufort
wind intensity 7 and 8 beaufort
wind pressure greater than 8 beaufort
Wind intensity from 9 Beaufort and above
Wind gusts in terrestrial areas. The bursts are calculated when the intensity is greater than 5 beauforts
when the wind intensity is equal to or greater than 7 and less than or equal to 8 Beaufort the square gets this color
Conditions suitable for the creation of smog mist
when the wind is equal to or greater than 9 beauforts, the corresponding square gets this color
To convert Beaufort to other units and vice versa click here.
Sky conditions
clear sky during the day
clear sky at night
sky with few clouds (cloud cover up to 30%) during the day
sky with few clouds (cloud cover up to 30%) at night
sky (with clouds cover up to 90%) during the day
sky (with clouds cover up to 90%) at night
sky with light clouds during the day
sky with light clouds during the night
possible rain or storm
light rain
light snowfall
normal rain intensity
Poor visibility
No dust forecast
Low dust concentration
Medium dust concentration
High dust concentration
ΒΑΪ 18°C
Τα παραπάνω δεδομένα (ΧΑΜΗΛΟΤΕΡΕΣ/ΥΨΗΛΟΤΕΡΕΣ) αποτελούν προγνώσεις. Για παρατηρήσεις (realtime) πατήστε εδώ
Τελευταία ενημέρωση προγνώσεων: Παρασκευή, 08/11 20:19